Monday, April 22, 2019


As summertime approaches, it's a good time to kick off a hefeweizen. And it's been a while since I've brewed this style of beer.

I stopped by my local home brew supply shop today, specifically looking to pick up some WYeast 3068, and got talking with the proprietor about a hefeweizen he'd just brewed.  He recommended an RVA yeast, and as it happened, he did have some of that yeast available!  Because I was specifically looking to pick up a liquid yeast, I had placed a small cooler with some ice cubes in the back of my truck, and this worked out well.

Brew Day: 22 Apr 2019

Partial Mash:
4 oz Munich
2 oz flaked wheat

Boil (20 min):
1 lb Bavarian wheat DME

Hops: 7 g German Perle (@ 20 min)

Yeast: RVA Hefeweizen I (pitched half of the container)

Addendum, 2 May: Transferred to secondary.

Addendum, 18 May: Bottled; got 10 bottles.

Addendum, 4 June: We tried this one recently.  Terri likes it a lot, and gets recognizable banana out of it. I think it's a little lighter in body that it should be, but other than that, the flavor is very nice.  I get a bit of subtle clove, but not much in the way of sweetness that I'd say that I would recognize as banana.  But then, Terri and I have come out that way before; one of the early hefeweizens we tried at SweetWaters was similar, in that I got some clove and Terri got some very forward banana, and our beers were from the same keg.

Addendum, 5 Jul: Drinking another one tonight; body is more along the lines of what I prefer, and the first couple of sips are heavy on the clove.  I don't know if this is due to the fact that I was preparing dinner and had sampled some tomato and avocado with some heavy salt.  However, the beer is really pretty good, and very drinkable.

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